Balika Mandiram | A childcare institution for girls
Balika Mandiram is a child care institution for girls, started in 2001 as P.C. George Birth Memorial. Our community already had Agathi Mandiram for aged poor and another NGO, Christavashramam for orphan boys. Balika Mandiram came in as a blessing as it filled a void by creating space for young girls below 18 years to get nurtured and empowered. Balika Mandiram has facilities to accommodate 14 girls.
What We Do !
— Embark
Children are identified and assigned to Balika Mandiram by Child Welfare Committee and District Child Protection Officer of Kerala State. Our institution runs as per the rules and regulations mentioned in Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015.
— Engage
All requirements mandated by Juvenile Justice Act 2015 are provided to the children. Moreover, they get best education, spiritual guidance and special training to nurture artistic, literary and leadership skills. Mandirams Society also ensures that all girls get opportunities for higher education.
— Empower
Senior girls who left Balika Mandiram are employed and happily married. Current members are studying in reputed schools. Mandirams Society helps the girls to get the best possible opportunities. Afterall, they are the daughters of Mandirams Society and second to none.
We Care For !

Excellent Education
Girls go to reputed schools in Kottayam. Regular tuitions for difficult subjects and coaching classes during summer are arranged. Reading habits among children are encouraged and a good library is maintained here.

Moral Upbringing
Kids grow up witnessing love and compassion. Christian girls attend Sunday school classes at nearby Mar Thoma and CSI parishes. Others are provided moral value education through special classes.

Personal Development
Balika Mandiram arranges training for music, pencil drawing, stitching & sewing, cooking, reading etc. Special focus is given to develop co-curricular and extra-curricular capabilities of children through Child Sponsorship Project (CSP) .

Exercise & Health
All the girls engage in indoor and outdoor games as part of their physical exercises. Cycling and Yoga are part of the routine at Balika Mandiram.

Every morning at 5:30 AM, daughters of Mandiram sing songs from the chapel and awake all other residents in Mandirams Society campus.
Balika Mandiram

Superintendent, Balika Mandiram
The Birth Centenary of Mr. P. C. George, the founder of Mundakapadam Mandirams was on 6 May 2001. On this day, Mandirams Society started an Institution to give shelter for the forlorn girls who are otherwise unassisted in the blooming years of their life. Thus, the Balika Mandiram was started with a 2-year-old girl child. By May 2002, the number increased to six and admissions continues till date. The current strength of girls in Balika Mandiram is 7. Year 2018 onwards, Balika Mandiram complies with the Juvenile Justice Act and new admissions are through Juvenile Justice Board. However, we do not accept any fund from government. The needs of our children are met by many sponsors inside and outside India
Balika Mandiram is situated in the 2 floor of a building complex with library, recreation room, dining room, study rooms and bedrooms. Balika Mandiram has a designated mother and a matron who live with the kids to take care of their needs. In addition, we have a resident warden and a superintendent. Read More >>