Child Sponsorship Project (CSP) | Third Phase : 2019 - 2025
Child Sponsorship Project (CSP) of Mundakapadam Mandirams Society works among children from economically backward families of Vijayapuram and Puthuppally panchayats in Kottayam, Kerala. Mandirams Society is in the threshold of rolling out third phase of CSP (2019 – 2025). The first two phases spanned 10 years each, 1998 – 2008 and 2009 – 2019 respectively. The main objective of these two phases was to enable the children to transform themselves into self-motivated, creative individuals with strong emphasis on character building. In the third phase, we have yet another focus area – nurture the participants by providing access to world class education through massive open online courses (MOOC).
What We Do !
— Encourage
At CSP, we catch kids young and nurture them through their formative years. Participants of age 10 – 11 are handpicked and encouraged to dream big and achieve more for 5 to 6 years. At the sametime, the students are often reminded that all everlasting achievements are always built on strong moral foundations. And, the habits inculcated now, shall last a lifetime.
— Educate
Main objective of CSP is to make each participant a life long learner who excel in academics. Gaps of each student are identified in the beginning. Experienced trainers shall generate tailored curriculum and provide training in online and offline modes to tide over their gaps and to progress further and further. Education is a great leveler and the key to one’s success.
— Enable
Our vision is to enable participants to reach their full potential. Being from economically backward families, should not dampen their opportunities. One should overcome odds with educational excellence and impeccable character. Participants need to fulfill their ambition by hard work, persistence and academic brilliance. Let them be an example for others to follow.
— Select Participants
Before we start a new phase of CSP, our social workers do a survey in certain wards of Vijayapuram and Puthupally panchayats and identify economically backward families. From these families, Mandirams Society shall select students from 5th and 6th levels. Parents and teachers are briefed about the approach and intentions of CSP. With their consent, we onboard the children into CSP.
— Identify Sponsors
Child Sponsorship Project runs with generous donations from philanthropists and well-wishers. We request individuals to sponsor participants. We take donations from CSR, charitable trusts and other funding agencies to sponsor CSP events. Sponsors are our partners in this inclusive growth initiative. We live by the collective faith of participants, sponsors, volunteers and contributors.
— Organise Activites
We Care For !
Keys for New Future
Education and Character are the keys for a child’s future. Doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, girl or boy, black or white. We open up the doors for world class education and proximity with people of impeccable credentials. CSP promotes self learning and learning from teachers and peers.

New ways of Learning
Participants uses world class educational tools familiar to students in developed countries. Khan Academy,, Big History Project are to name a few. CSP adopts innovative learning methods from Lifetree Foundation and ForAGoodStart. We go in cycles of gap analysis and self or assisted learning.

Right Foundations
CSP strives to set the academic foundations right – Malayalam and English with the help of experts; Maths by Khan Academy; and Computer Science using CSP covers Big History Project for class 8 – 9 students to gain in reading, writing, and content knowledge.

Dreams within Reach
Study tours, 3 day camps, Christmas and Onam celebrations, Talent fests are no longer distant dreams for our participants. However, Cookery , music, drama, art, dance and magic classes getting laced with regular educational and grooming classes can be termed as dreams coming true

Rise to Greatness
Participants of CSP are responsive to the needs of our society. When unprecedented flood of year 2018 ravaged most parts of Kerala, kids along with Mandirams Society were in action arranging food and clothes to flood victims. Children gave back to the community in their own way. Way to go!

Breaking Grounds
Everyone has ambitions. So, goals needs to be set. CSP helps its participants to shape, plan and pursue their goals. Through the 6 years, we help them to track the progress and do the necessary corrections on the way. Once the track is stabilized, they are on their own to break grounds and achieve greatness.
Child Sponsorship Project - So far

Ex. Director, Child Sponsorship Project
In the year 1984, Mundakapadam Mandirams Society started community development projects. World Vision provided financial aid to these projects for 10 years from 1986. Shri T. C. Oommen, a veteran social worker, with many years of experience in social welfare organisations like CASA, joined Mandirams‘ community development projects and provided right kind of energy for growth.
A child development project was started to provide thrust to educational, social and cultural development of the children in 9 villages in and around Manganam. By 1997, World Vision stopped financial aid and moved out of the scene, creating a huge void. However, small time NGOs continued to assist Mandirams Society in this child development project. During this period, two stalwarts came together at the helm of Mandirams Society – Prof. Rev. K.C. Mathew and Shri Mammen Varghese. They initiated Child Sponsorship Project (CSP) in 1999 with a novel idea – ‘Sponsor a Child’. Funds for CSP were generated from individuals who sponsor children. This idea turned out to be an immense success and to this day CSP runs by sponsorship. Read More >>