Mandiram Hospice | A Centre of Terminally ill
Mandiram Hospice centre takes care of socially and economically backward terminally ill patients free of cost. Hospice Centre is started as a Navathy Project of Mundakapadam Mandirams.Mandiram is completing 90 years of service in September 2023. Mandiram Hospice Centre was started in August 2022 in a house donated by Mrs Vineetha Russel, daughter of Mr. T C Oommen and Mrs. Ponnamma Oommen Thonipurackal who are long time friends of Mandirams.
What We Do !
— Identify Beneficiaries
Palliative care volunteers of Mundakapadam Mandirams pay regular visits to the aged and bedridden. Relatives of some of the bedridden convey their difficulty and express interest to admit the person in Hospice Centre. Volunteers shall assess the financial background of the family and recommend genuine cases to Mandirams. Doctors from Mandiram Hospital assess patient’s conditions and share their findings .
Mundakapadam Mandirams shall accept a person as a member of Hospice Centre based on the recomendation of palliative care volunteers and assessment of doctors from Mandiram Hospital.
— Provide Palliative Care
Hospice centre strives
- to improve the quality of life.
- to alleviate pain and suffering.
- to provide psychosocial and spiritual care.
An interdisciplinary palliative care team comprising of mental health professionals, social workers, counsellors and chaplains from Mandirams oversee the well being of patients.
We Stand For !

Dignity in Life
Dignity in life is the right of a person to be valued, respected and treated ethically at every stage of life irrespective of one’s health or wealth. Also, dignity cannot be lost as long as the person exists.

Quality of Life
Quality of life at the end-of-life is avoiding a prolonged dying experience, attaining a sense of closure, avoiding being a burden to family members, managing pain and other symptoms, and maintaining open communication.

Total Pain Relief
Patients with serious and life-limiting illness suffer due of physical, emotional, social and spiritual sources of pain and suffering. A compassionate interdisciplinary, skilled team can help patients handle such situations.