Palliative Home Care | Since 2015


Palliative Home Care Project serves people afflicted with life threatening illness. Our volunteers cater to  their physical, mental, social and spiritual needs. Medical care and financial assistance are ensured for those who cannot afford medical expenses. If required, we help the palliative home care patients to get admitted in Mandiram hospital.

Palliative Home Care Project of Mundakapadam Mandirams Society work closely with Palliative Care Department of Mandiram Hospital. It is also a member of Society of Palliative Care Groups in Kottayam District.

What We Do !


— House Visits

Our volunteers are well connected with the community. They get leads from their contacts about people suffering in pain  due to life threatening diseases or age related ailments. Volunteers go to the patient’s home in one of their weekly visits.

— Identify Needs

Volunteers make a detailed assessment of the patient’s health and financial status during the house visit. They consult the doctor aligned to the palliative care department of Mandiram Hospital on medical needs and Mandriams Society  regarding  financial help.


— Provide for the Needs

Palliative care team encourages the patient and family to adhere to the plans suggested by palliative care specialist and Mandirams Society. Every week, they visit patient’s home to oversee the progress. Doctor or nurse shall accompany them during visits.

We Care For !

We are there for you

Pain and suffering associated with life threatening diseases are often acute. Conventional medical therapies might not help. Patients  need palliative care treatment to alleviate their pain and trauma.

Care beyond cure

Cure is not always possible. But care that encompass one’s medical, physical, psychological and spiritual needs will  create a sense of well being for the patient and help to uplift the general mood within the family.

Add life to the days

Palliative team’s role is not to extend the  life of a person with an acute illness. But, to help one to lead a life worth living. This care ranges from identifying right pain relief drugs to counselling of care givers.

Palliative Home Care

Anila Joseph
Convener, Palliative Home Care

Palliative Home Care is a community service project of the Mandirams Society, launched in December 2015, to help the sick and the bedridden, right there at their home. The project also envisages providing financial assistance and medical care to the poor who cannot afford medical expenses.

Palliative Home Care volunteers take care of patients’ physical, mental, social and spiritual needs. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the volunteers visit the houses in groups. They supply medicines, food, provisions, special beds, wheel chairs, walkers, diapers, mosquito nets etc. based on the needs of the patients. Every month, about 25 to 30 houses are visited on an average. Dr. P. M. Koyakutty, Sr. Manisha Mohan, Sr. Neethu John and 12 volunteers are members of Palliative Home Care Project Read More >>

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